The work at the Houston County Archives continues on a weekly basis.  We are just now starting to unearth some interesting and historical documents about Houston County and it's people.  One of the wonderful finds we have found is a rare hand bill that would have been posted around Houston County to announce tax collections by the Trustee.  This is a rare document because when the event was concluded this hand bill would have been taken down and thrown away.  We found this document tucked in the large court record books being used as bookmark.

The hand bill is an announcement by then Houston County Trustee W.R. Boone and is dated 16 November 1909.  Mr. Boone is announcing which communities he will be visiting to collect taxes and on what dates this will take place.  The listings are by Districts as follows:

District 1: Danville and McKinnon, Monday, November 29
District 2: Stewart, Tuesday, November 30
District 3: Tennessee Ridge, Wednesday, December 1
District 5: Pollard's School House, Thursday, December 2
District 6: Rice's, Friday, December 3
District 4: Erin, Saturday, December 4
District 7: Ellis Mills, Wednesday, December 8
District 8: Griffin's, Thursday, December 9